pühapäev, juuni 28, 2009

Sellest kuidas hullumaja jäi mulle jälle ette..

Täpsem oleks vist väljend "institute for the criminally insane". Kui ennast vähem huvitavaks teha, siis see tähendab, et ma ostsin jälle ühe filmi - "Jacket" nimeks.

Paar toredat kohta:

Dr Lorenson: "G'd morning, gentlemen. How you're doin' today ?"
MacKenzie: "That is a really difficult question, dr Lorensen, 'cause the world around me is shrinkin' and the four horses of the apocalypse are comin this evening and they are not bringing flowers which makes it really difficult to get organized."
Dr Lorenson: "And you, mr Starks?"
Starks: "I'm fine."    


Dr Becker: "please continue, Mr Mackenzie."
MacKenzie: "ok, okay. I've been approached by the Federal Trade Organization.
Dr Becker: "And what was the approach about, Mr MacKenzie?"
MAcKenzie: "<pointing finger> And this is nuts .. BUT they .. have asked .. me..
    to head up an organization for the organized.
Dr Becker: "The organization for the organized."
MacKenzie: "Yeah, you've heard of them ?"
Dr Becker: "Mr MacKenzie, I have not."
Another patient: "Because there is not such organiZZation, you idiot!"
MacKenzie: "that is categorically not true.
    That is blatantly and manifestantly NOT TRUE - they have asked me to lead
    them and if you would've heard about them, they wouldn't have been hush-hush, would they ?"
<MacKenzie laughing in disbelief>
Dr Becker: "And what do the others think ?"
Starks: "Well.. <pause> I know they exist."
Dr Becker: "And how is that ?"
Starks: "When I was in the Gulf .. the organization was recruiting the organized."
Dr Becker: "Is that a fact, Mr Starks?"
Starks: "It is a fact."
Dr Becker: "Because if it's not, it doesn't help Mr MacKenzie."
Starks: "it is a fact, and classified."
MacKenzie: "I knew it! I KNEW IT!
    Those fuckers are everywhere!"
Starks silently to Mackenzie: "They recruit only the best."
Dr Lorensen to Starks: "Be calm, Mr Starks".
Starks: "Be calm, be calm, ordering me to be calm. How am I supposed to be calm, look at this place. People, wake up! orders come from the top, only. Don't let them warn you around, MacKenzie. Long live the organization! Long live the organization! LONG LIVE THE ORGANIZATION FOR THE ORGANIZED."

Väike igapäevane juhekokkumoment.

btw, MacKenzie-nimelist tegelast mängis Bond-to-be Daniel Craig ;)



Blogger Eva Labotkin said...


29/6/09 23:18  

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