kolmapäev, aprill 18, 2007

Sellest kuidas venelased mulle õpetussõnu paiskavad..

Just siis kui kell 4:31 juhtud pärast kaabeldavad ettekande ettevalmistamist korraks meili lugema, siis laekub midagi sellist:

He had heard the years did not touch Aes Sedai.

One shouldn't, of course, actually like THAT kind of woman.
The Gang-08P2 has room for up to 8 interchangeable sockets.
In wartime each Soviet motor-rifle and tank division will have 4 helicopters and every all-arms and tank Army will have 12. That horn wailed and wailed.
He was completely out of sight.
In wartime a Front would be deployed in Poland.
For more information, see Specifying a Readme File.
The first visit had been after Asmodean taught him to invert his weaves.
Complete Child and Sibling window relationships.
You do know what w00giving is don't you. Rekha on her carpet let him go.
Que suis-je pour eux. The remainder have acquaintances who are to be recruited within one to two years.
Any idea at all where we are.

Elu on ikka seiklus, ah ?!

ja ühel heal päeval (ebamääraselt kauges tulevikus) ma ei loe enam spämmi :P
