neljapäev, märts 20, 2008

Sellest pisikesest näpatud dialoogist nootide keskel..

Ma ei ole aktiivselt religioonivaenulik ja ei tunne vajadust kristlasi kui levinuimaid aktiivusklikke siinmail "kirvega koolitada" (vihje loomingulise kollektiivi 'Must Missa' tähelepanu ja vastukaja leidnud Sügavale Sõnumile). Samas ma ei jagaks ka neile nende valikute eest õlalepatsutusi. Ma ei mõista neid hukka - ma lihtsalt ei mõista neid. Aga ..

Igatahes, komistasin täna meeldiva loo otsa. Nimelt Theatre of Tragedy "And when he falleth", kus sisaldub õpetlik ja ehk pisut eelnevaga haakuv dialoog filmist "The Masque of the Red (1964)":

[Male Voice]
That cross you wear around your neck;
is it only a decoration, or are you a
true Christian believer?

[Female Voice]
Yes, I believe - truly.

[Male Voice]
Then I want you to remove it at once!
- and never to wear it within this castle
again! Do you know how a falcon is trained my
dear? Her eyes are sewn shut. Blinded temporarily
she suffers the whims of her God patiently, until
her will is submerged and she learns to serve -
as your God taught and blinded you with

[Female Voice]
You had me take off my cross because it

[Male Voice]
It offended no-one. No - it simply appears
to me to be discourteous to... to wear
the symbol of a deity long dead.
My ancestors tried to find it. And to open
the door that seperates us from our Creator.

[Female Voice]
But you need no doors to find God.
If you believe....

[Male Voice]
Believe?! If you believe you are...gullible.
Can you look around this world and believe
in the goodness of a god who rules it?
Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!
They rule this world.

[Female Voice]
There is also love and life and hope.

[Male Voice]
Very little hope I assure you. No. If a god
of love and life ever did exist...he is long
since dead. Someone...something rules in his


Tegelikult see postitus ei teeni mingilgi moel eesmärki kedagi-midagi paika panna (sellest jääb ka päris palju vajaka).. Antud juhul on siin pigem minu avalik kummardus vormile. Miskipärast meenub Beseech ja Hannibal Lecter:

"I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey .."

Simple things make a difference. Religioonist pajatagem aga mõni teine kord.

(Huvitav kust eelpoolmainit' filmi võiks leida :S)

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